What the press says about our new album 'Kinema'
"...brilliant group." "Soothing and consistently mesmerizing." "It's a vibrant album that unmistakably showcases the high level of avant-progressive creativity this Swiss ensemble maintains, much to the delight of the ideals of artistic rock in our times. Highly recommended" "On this album they combine a minimalist attitude with an expressive orientation to create compelling landscapes by way of fixed elements and textured instrument variations, in a manner that should appeal to fans of King Crimson just as much as those with an interest in a more alternative variation of minimalist but expressive jazzrock." |
"In an era where music often boils down to simple melodies and easily digestible lyrics, AKKU Quintet reminds us that true art lies in continuous exploration and pushing one's own boundaries. "Kinema" is a tribute to those who are not afraid to experiment and, at the same time, an invitation for listeners to jointly discover the boundless possibilities of music.“ From where we are right now, AKKU Quintet have delivered another propitious release for 2023. And this is a hairsplitting testament that our fellow comrades have let loose this year." "Engaging and yet slightly aloof, Kinema offers an immediate payback on first listen that still only hints at what repeat visits will eventually reveal. This is immersive music for those able and willing to give themselves over to it rather than those living in the hope of of being ‘blindly dazzled’ at every turn." |
Quotes and reviews
![]() „…Die Fünferschaft um den Berner Schlagzeuger Manuel Pasquinelli hat gerade ein neues, anbetungswürdiges Album veröffentlicht, mit dem sie sich endgültig als Geistesgrösse des helvetischen Abenteuer-Jazz etabliert. In dieser mal ausgeklügelt-vertrackt, mal verstörend-patternhaft groovenden Musik vergeht kaum ein Moment, der nicht zum Staunen, zum Schwelgen oder zum Ausflippen animiert. Angelehnt ist dieses klingende Wunder an die Minimal Music oder an die Rhythmus-Alchemie des Berners Don Li. Groove wird hier zum kompositorischen Element, Schönheit zu einem Akt der Konzentration, Improvisation nie zum Selbstläufer, sondern zum dramaturgischen Stilmittel.“
Ane Hebeisen, Der Bund, 28.07.2020 "...the quintet comes across as a well-oiled machine full of maturity and articulation." Bea Venturini for Swissvibes.org. Read the full Review of Akku Quintet's show at Cully jazz Festival 2016. "You'll hear lots of intricate musical conversations going on in this very beautiful, spacious, minimalist groove album. Highly recommended." Anil Prasad, Independent Music Journalist "This just flows and grooves from start to finish" Steve Feigenbaum, Cuneiform Record Label "Man muss definitiv kein Jazzer oder Liebhaber komplizierter Strukturen sein, um dieses Quintett zu lieben" Markus Stemyr, Alpenfeulleton Innsbruck. "This just flows and grooves from start to finish. They take the ‘Swiss zen maximalist/minimalist approach’ of Nik Bärtsch’s Ronin, Sonar, Schnellertollermeier to a different, but utterly logical conclusion. Fabulous stuff. Recommended!“ Steve Feigenbaum, Cuneiform Records "Akku Quintet is one of the most exciting formations in Swiss jazz creation. Songs that seem like large-scale tableaus, like wall-filling, gloomy paintings with colorful splashes of paint." Ane Hebeisen, "Der Bund" "Pasquinelli’s writing contains an almost cinematic dimension that encompasses bittersweet moods and moments of unfolding drama." Sid Smith |
DEPART" Album-Reviews 2019
Switzerland: - Jazz'n'More Belgium: - Music in Belgium Portugal: - Via Nocturna Great Britain: - The Progressive Aspect Canada: - dmme - Profilprog Usa: - Echoes and Dust - Midwest Record - Anne Carlini - Jp's Musicblog - Progressor Russia: - Jazzquad |
Reviews "Aeon" and "Molecules"
Jazzthetik - Mai 2017
"Was ist da in der Schweiz los?" By Tobias Richtsteig Musikreviews.de - March 24, 2017
"'Aeon' ist feinster Trance-Jazz, die Musik schwebt, gleitet auf- und abschwellend vorbei, und weiß an den entscheidenden Punkten, Irritationen und Kanten zu zeigen." By Jochen König |
The Progressive Aspect - April 30, 2017
"AKKU Quintet will not be rushed on Aeon and use the time well to reveal subtleties in musical patterns by way of precision playing." By Roder Trenwith Prog Magazine - May, 2015
"Spacious and unhurried, 'Molecules' is an integrated and articulate suite whose sparkling lyrical moments are never subsumed or lost within its mesmeric structure." By Sid Smith Jazz Convention - April 27, 2017
By Aldo del Noce (in italiano) |
Jazz'n'More - May 1, 2017
"Minimal-Flow mit Emotion" By Pirmin Bosshard Badische Zeitung - April 26, 2017
"Die Lust an der Wiederholung" By Udo Andris |